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"Since 1977, DAIS has worked passionately and effectively to ensure the safety and well-being of domestic violence survivors and their families."



100 Men of Dane County 4th Quarter Grant Winner for 2018
& 3rd Quarter Grant Winner for 2021


Since 1977, DAIS has worked passionately and effectively to ensure the safety and well-being of domestic violence survivors and their families, and to change societal attitudes that perpetuate violence and the abuse of power.


Domestic Abuse Intervention Services (or DAIS) believes that a world free from violence is possible. They work to make Dane County a safer, more just, more equitable place for people who have experienced domestic violence, their children, and the people who love them.



Empower those affected by domestic violence and advocate for social change through support, education and outreach. 



A nonviolent community that actively promotes safety, peace, justice and hope.


DAIS used their funds from their $68,000 gift in 2018 to support their prevention program. The objectives of DAIS’ prevention program include supporting young men in their development of a healthy male identity in a culture that sends them many mixed messages, as well as providing education, strategies, and support for adults who interact with young men to assist them in reinforcing positive messages about respect and safety. The goal of the prevention program is to transform community attitudes that perpetuate violence. DAIS works towards these objectives through their primary prevention initiative, MENS (Men Encouraging Nonviolent Strength) program. MENS is a weekly peer-based group for high school and middle school aged males that supports them on their journey "growing up male." MENS works to increase awareness of attitudes and behaviors that perpetuate violence while nurturing those that support safety and partnership in dating relationships.


DAIS will use their funds from their $89,500 gift in 2021 towards supporting the next iteration of their Children's & Family programming. Grant dollars will further evolve services to promote the social and emotional development of children exposed to domestic violence and provide programming for non-offending parents to enhance knowledge and skills to support  their children's healing.



 Right now, DAIS is growing to better meet the need for their services in Dane County.
And the future is bright because there are people like you—compassionate people from across Dane County who are interested in doing something to support DAIS and victims of domestic violence. Below, please find a few different ways you can help DAIS achieve their vision of a nonviolent community that actively promotes safety, peace, justice, and hope.


"The positive thing is I know that there are people who care." 


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